- Listen to any instructions by your hosts. They are advised for your benefit to help in having a great night for all.
- All care will be taken to ensure a safe and relaxing environment but you are responsible for yourself at all times.
- Respect everyone like anywhere else.
- We are all at a party for various reasons. Do not assume someone wants the same as you. Always ask
- Always ask before you touch
- No means no at all times. No explanation required. Do not take it personally if you are not someone's cup of tea. You will be someone else's tasty dish.
- Always assume a condom unless clearly consented otherwise.
- Filming or photos are prohibited. No phones allowed. Phones to be put away or not brought in altogether.
- If your behaviour does not align with respect and consent, you will be asked to leave
- Bring your best self. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated
- Do not come with any expectations or preconceived notions
- Each person has autonomy and choice over their own body and what they are personally comfortable with. Everyone else is required to respect this choice.
- Arrival will be from 8pm
- Follow any instructions and rules advised by your hosts
- Hopefully most will be comfortable and having fun by 10pm
- Close at 12am
- DRESS DOWN: We expect most to dress down by 10pm. You are welcome and encouraged to dress down prior if you feel comfortable.
- Anyone who is not confortable dressing down is respected on this choice however you will need to remain in the social area.
- Watchers are required to dress down. It's only fair. The people who you are watching playing are likely naked and vulnerable.
- Dress down means either jocks and/or lingerie or naked. Most will wear jocks or lingerie so make sure you bring something that makes you feel sexy and comfortable to change into
- Please drink reponsibly.
- Please respect any neighbours in the area and enter the premise quietly
- Recommend not bringing any valuables. Any items you bring are your own responsibility. There will be no secure locker for any items.
- 2 consecutive No Shows will be removed from the invitation list
- Anyone not following basic etiquette or repeatedly making people feel uncomfortable will be asked to leave